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3 × life domain
4 | absolutes | Theology | Robert Speer
8 | action | Philosophy | I Ching
5 | affect | Psychology | Benjamin Bloom
4 | anthropology | Anthropology | Franz Boaz
4 | architecture | Anthropology | Gottfried Semper
6 | art | Education
3 | authority | Sociology | Max Weber
3 | authority | Sociology | Max Weber
6 | behavioral change | Psychology | James Prochaska
8 | body | Philosophy | I Ching
5 | body | Metaphysics | Jainism
3 | body | Theology | Hinduism
4 | box of liberty | Politics | Stephen Decatur Miller
3 | brain | Anatomy | Gray
3 | Branches of Science | Interdisciplinary Studies | Traditional
8 | bushido | Philosophy | I Ching
4 | cardinal virtue | Theology | Plato
4 | cause | Philosophy | Aristotle
4 | cause | Metaphysics | Aristotle
3 | cell cycle | Biology
2 | cell division | Biology
5 | chi | Philosophy | Wu Xing
2 | circuit | Physics | electrical
3 | civilization | Astronomy | Nikolai Kardashev
5 | Classic Study Skills | Education | Allison Brenner
6 | cognition | Psychology | Benjamin Bloom
4 | cognitive development | Cognition | Jean Piaget
4 | cognitive functions | Psychology | Carl Jung
7 | color | Metaphysics | Isaac Newton
4 | competence | Psychology | Martin Broadwell
3 | Components of Attitude | Social Psychology | Schiffman & Kanuk
4 | consciousness | Theology | Hinduism
8 | consciousness | Philosophy | I Ching
3 | contradiction | Philosophy | G.W.F Hegel
2 | cycle | Philosophy | Wu Xing
3 | data model | AI | ANSI
3 | design process | Design | L. Bruce Archer
4 | design process | Design | UK Design Council
4 | discourse | Psychology | Jacques Lacan
4 | discourse position | Psychology | Jacques Lacan
4 | DNA | Biology | Hallick
5 | dream | Psychology | Gillian Kemp
4 | dream | Psychology | D.A. Goodman
5 | economic growth | Economics | Walt Whitman Rostow
8 | ego development | Psychology | Jane Loevinger
5 | element | Philosophy | Wu Xing
4 | element | Philosophy | Ancient Greeks
5 | element | Philosophy | Buddhism
4 | Embodied, Predictive & I… | Mental Health | Michela Di Trani
7 | energy | Philosophy | chakra
8 | energy | Philosophy | I Ching
6 | essential duty | Theology | Jainism
4 | evolution | Biology | KU Natural History Museum
4 | explanation | Philosophy | Arthur Schopenhauer
7 | faith | Theology | James Fowler
3 | fascination | Psychology | James Westly
6 | Formal Sciences | Scientific Research | Unidentified
6 | freedom of motion | Design
4 | function of consciousness | Psychology | Carl Jung
4 | Fundamental Forces (Inte… | Physics | Consensus
4 | gamer | Psychology | Richard Bartle
3 | God | Theology | The Bible
4 | grammar | Linguistics | Noam Chomsky
5 | grasping | Philosophy | Buddha
5 | grief | Psychology | Kübler-Ross
4 | group development | Sociology | Bruce Tuckman
3 | guna | Philosophy | Hinduism
4 | harming karma | Theology | Jainism
4 | healing karma | Theology | Jainism
6 | health | Metaphysics
3 | heuristic | Psychology | Tversky/Kahneman
4 | humors | Philosophy | Hippocrates
4 | Illusions | Cognition | Richard Gregory
8 | image | Philosophy | I Ching
3 | immersion | Media | Ernest Adams
10 | immoral action | Philosophy | Buddha
5 | improvement cycle | Business
5 | induction | Philosophy | John Stuart Mill
9 | intelligence | Psychology | Howard Gardner
4 | interpretation | Theology | Dante
7 | Ismailism | Theology
6 | learning | Education | Grash/Riechmann
3 | learning | Psychology | Bloom
4 | learning | Education | Honey/Mumford
3 | learning | Education | Walter Burke Barbe
4 | learning | Education | David A. Kolb
4 | learning | Education | Neil Fleming
7 | Learning Styles | Pedagogy | ViewSonic Library
3 | legitimate rule | Sociology | Max Weber
3 | liberation | Theology | Jainism
3 | life domain | Biology | Carl Woese
7 | living things | Metaphysics | Linnean
11 | logic | Philosophy | G.W.F. Hegel
3 | logic | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
4 | love | Psychology | C.S. Lewis
7 | love | Psychology | J.A. Lee
6 | love | Psychology | John Alan Lee
5 | love language | Psychology | Gary Chapman
5 | man | Metaphysics | Hsing
4 | management | Business | W. Edwards Deming
4 | matter | Physics
4 | meaning of life | Theology | Hinduism
4 | measurement | Psychology | Stanley Smith Stevens
10 | media | Media | Internet Assigned Number…
4 | mental function | Sociology | Stuart & Hubert Dreyfus
6 | military intelligence | Politics
3 | Modern Cell theory | Biology | Common
8 | mood | Psychology | Plutchik
6 | mood | Psychology | Paul Ekman
4 | mood | Psychology | William James
4 | mood | Psychology | 2DES
10 | moral action | Philosophy | Buddha
6 | moral development | Psychology | Lawrence Kohlberg
8 | motivation | Philosophy | I Ching
4 | motivation for action | Philosophy | Max Weber
5 | Musical Textures | Music Theory | Common Terms
5 | Muslim life | Theology | Islam
3 | narrative | Storytelling
8 | natural disaster | Philosophy | I Ching
12 | Natural Sciences | Scientific Research | Unidentified
7 | news criteria | Media | Jack Driscoll
7 | news service for communi… | Media | Walter Bender
8 | noble path | Philosophy | Buddha
5 | Noble Pursuits of Man | Philosophy | Alfred N. Whitehead
4 | noble truth | Philosophy | Buddha
2 | non-intersecting domains | Enactivism | Maturana and Varela
3 | normative science | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
5 | obscuring knowledge | Theology | Jainism
5 | observance | Theology | Jainism
2 | Observation Bias | Scientific Research | Traditional
2 | order | Metaphysics | Devin Harris
4 | organizational structure | Sociology
5 | orientation | Psychology | Erich Fromm
4 | perception | Cognition | Richard Gregory
9 | personality | Education | enneagram
2 | personality | Medicine | Meyer Friedman
3 | personality | Psychology | Sigmund Freud
8 | personality | Philosophy | I Ching
5 | personality trait | Psychology | Tupes/Christal
4 | persuasion | Philosophy | Aristotle
8 | phase transition | Physics
3 | phenomenology | Philosophy | Goethe
3 | philosophy | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
7 | plot | Storytelling | Christopher Booker
3 | poetry | Literature | Ezra Pound
8 | precept | Theology
5 | precept | Theology
7 | psychomotor development | Psychology | Benjamin Bloom
5 | psychosexual development | Psychology | Sigmund Freud
8 | psychosocial development | Psychology | Erik Erikson
4 | quadrivium | Education | Boethius
5 | reading comprehension | Education | Francis P. Robinson
12 | recovery | Medicine | Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob Smi…
5 | regime | Politics | Plato
6 | Research Principles | Scientific Research | Varun Does Research
3 | revolution | Politics | France
2 | risk taking | cognitive science
3 | rock | Geology
3 | salvation | Theology
3 | science | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
6 | science | Philosophy | Auguste Comte
3 | self | Theology | trichotomy
2 | self | Theology | dichotomy
3 | semiosis | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
5 | sense | Anatomy
4 | sentence | Linguistics
10 | sephirah | Metaphysics | Kabbalah
10 | sephirah/prime | Numeronomy | Kabbalah
10 | sign | Semiotics | Charles Peirce
6 | simple machine | Design | Renaissance
7 | sin | Theology | Desert Fathers
6 | Six Basic Survival Skills | Survival | Filip Tkaczyk
6 | Social Science | Scientific Research | Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D.
3 | sociology | Philosophy | Auguste Comte
5 | SOLID object-oriented pr… | Programming | Robert C. Martin
5 | SPEAR Survival Plan | Survival | Filip Tkaczyk
12 | star sign | Astrology
4 | star sign (cardinal) | Astrology
4 | star sign (fixed) | Astrology
4 | star sign (mutable) | Astrology
8 | state | Philosophy | I Ching
4 | states of existence | Theology | Jainism
5 | story | Ontology | Zensufi
5 | story plot | Storytelling | Freytag
6 | Strategies for effective… | Education | Joseph Griffiths
4 | strategies for learning | AI | Marvin Minsky
4 | stress | Psychology | Janet Boyer
4 | studying | Education | John Dewey
5 | studying | Education
6 | substance | Theology | Jain
11 | suffering | Philosophy | Buddha
4 | SWOT Analysis | Business Strategy | Albert Humphrey
4 | symmetry in a plane | Mathematics
5 | taste | Gastronomy
4 | temperament | Psychology | Alfred Adler
3 | The Learning Attitude | Education | Common Terms
3 | theology | Philosophy | Auguste Comte
3 | threefold activity | Theology | Jainism
3 | Three Tenants of Cell th… | Biology | Common
3 | traffic flow | Physics | Boris Kerner
3 | triadic structure | Philosophy | G.W.F. Hegel
3 | trivium | Education | Plato
12 | twelve-fold chain | Philosophy | Buddha
3 | unalienable right | Sociology | US Constitution
10 | universal value | Psychology | S. H. Schwartz
3 | US government | Politics | US Constitution
7 | virtue | Theology | Church Fathers
3 | Visual Perception | Psychology | James Gibson
6 | ways to think | AI | Marvin Minsky
7 | wife | Sociology | Buddha
4 | writing | Literature
5 | Writing Styles | Education | Common Terms
2 | yinyang | Cosmology | Taoism
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Carl Woese
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