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Psychology James Westly type 3 idle | external stimulus | effort davekud

universal value
Universal value
Psychology S. H. Schwartz type 10 power | achievement | hedonism | stimulation | self-direction | universalism | benevolence | tradition | conformity | security scotty

The Four Loves
Psychology C.S. Lewis type 4 storge | philios | eros | agape scotty

psychomotor development
Bloom's taxonomy
Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 7 perception | set | guided response | mechanism | complex overt response | adaptation | origination scotty

personality trait
Big Five personality traits
Psychology Tupes/Christal type 5 openness | conscientiousness | extraversion | agreeableness | neuroticism scotty

cognitive functions
Jungian cognitive functions
Psychology Carl Jung type 4 thinking | feeling | sensation | intuition scotty

Color wheel theory of love
Psychology John Alan Lee type 6 eros | ludus | storge | mania | pragma | agape scotty

Psychology Janet Boyer type 4 eustress | hypostress | distress | hyperstress scotty

Psychology Bloom type 3 cognitive | affective | psychomotor scotty

behavioral change
Transtheoretical model
Psychology James Prochaska step 6 precontemplation | contemplation | preparation | action | maintenance | termination scotty

Level of measurement
Psychology Stanley Smith Stevens step 4 nominal | ordinal | interval | ratio scotty

love language
The Five Love Languages
Psychology Gary Chapman type 5 receiving gifts | quality time | words of affirmation | acts of service | physical touch scotty

Id, ego and super-ego
Psychology Sigmund Freud part 3 id | ego | superego scotty

Paul Ekman
Psychology Paul Ekman type 6 happy | sad | surprised | afraid | angry | disgusted scotty

Bartle taxonomy of player types
Psychology Richard Bartle type 4 killer | achiever | socializer | explorer scotty

Formal Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 6 Logic | Mathematics | Statistics | Systems Theory | Decision Theory | Theoretical Computer-Science dane

Natural Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 12 Physics/Cosmology | Chemistry | Biology/Microbiology | Geology | Oceanography | Meteorology | Space Science | Earth Science/Life Science | Biochemistry | Zoology | Botany | Ecology dane

Social Science
Scientific Research Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D. type 6 Anthropology | Economics | Geography | Political science | Psychology | Sociology dane

Research Principles
Scientific Research Varun Does Research part 6 Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor dane

Observation Bias
Scientific Research Traditional type 2 Confirmation bias | Processing bias dane

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 3 phenomenology | normative science | metaphysics scotty

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 3 critical | speculative grammar | speculative rhetoric scotty

Semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce part 3 sign | object | interpretant scotty

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 3 discovery | theoretical | practical scotty

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 10 qualisign | iconic sinsign | rhematic indexical | dicent sinsign | iconic legisign | rhematic indexical legisign | dicent indexical legisign | rhematic symbol | dicent symbol | argument scotty
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