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Three Bodies Doctrine
Theology Hinduism part 3 causal | subtle | gross scotty

List of rock types
Geology type 3 igneous | metamorphic | sedimentary scotty

Kardashev scale
Astronomy Nikolai Kardashev step 3 planetary | stellar | galactic scotty

life domain
Three-domain system
Biology Carl Woese type 3 archaea | bacteria | eukarya scotty

Authority (sociology)
Sociology Max Weber type 3 traditional | charismatic | legal scotty

Authority (sociology)
Sociology Max Weber type 3 status | knowledge | position scotty

legitimate rule
The Three Types of Legitimate Rule
Sociology Max Weber type 3 legal authority | traditional authority | charismatic authority scotty

cardinal virtue
Cardinal virtues
Theology Plato type 4 prudence | courage | temperance | justice scotty

Seven virtues
Theology Church Fathers type 7 kindness | charity | chastity | temperance | humility | diligence | patience scotty

obscuring knowledge
Types of Karma (Jainism)
Theology Jainism type 5 senses | signs | material things | thoughts of others | omniscience scotty

healing karma
Types of Karma (Jainism)
Theology Jainism type 4 finding body | finding life span | finding status | finding feeling scotty

harming karma
Types of Karma (Jainism)
Theology Jainism type 4 obscuring perception | obscuring knowledge | creating obstacles | deluding scotty

Theology Jain part 6 soul | matter | motion | rest | space | time scotty

Theology Jainism step 3 faith | knowledge | conduct scotty

states of existence
Jīva (Jainism)
Theology Jainism part 4 heaven | hell | plant | animal scotty

US government
Federal government of the United States
Politics US Constitution part 3 executive branch | legislative branch | judicial branch scotty

Anatomy Gray part 3 cerebrum | cerebellum | brainstem scotty

Medicine Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob Smith step 12 I am not Power. | Power does exist. | I will rely on Power, not self. | I cause most of my problems. | I falsely claim power and try. | I will stop claiming and trying. | Power please guide me. | I will stop controlling others. | I will show more forgiveness. | I'll do good more & bad less. | I pray to be under God's will. | I will confess and share this. scotty

Robert Elliott Speer
Theology Robert Speer type 4 honesty | purity | unselfishness | love scotty

risk taking
cognitive science part 2 explore | exploit dane

ways to think
AI Marvin Minsky type 6 self-conscious emotions | self-reflective thinking | reflective thinking | deliberative thinking | learned reactions | instinctive reactions dane

news criteria
Media Jack Driscoll type 7 timeliness | importance | interest | relevance | right to know | need to know | informative scotty

news service for community
Media Walter Bender type 7 identify | analyze | localize | contextualize | express | learn | advertise scotty

cognitive functions
Jungian cognitive functions
Psychology Carl Jung type 4 thinking | feeling | sensation | intuition scotty

Type A and Type B personality theory
Medicine Meyer Friedman type 2 A | B scotty
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