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Three Tenants of Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. | The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. | Cells arise from pre-existing cells. dane

part 3 fun,sex,casual | marry,reliable,serious | kill,hate,evil scotty

SOLID object-oriented programming
Programming Robert C. Martin part 5 single responsibility | open-closed | Liskov substitution | interface segregation | dependency inversion scotty

Philosophy I Ching part 8 sense | think | feel | will | body | soul | spirit | awareness scotty

noble truth
Four Noble Truths
Philosophy Buddha part 4 suffering | cause | cessation | path scotty

Muslim life
Five Pillars of Islam
Theology Islam part 5 faith | prayer | charity | fasting | pilgrimage scotty

Immersion (virtual reality)
Media Ernest Adams part 3 tactical | strategic | narrative scotty

twelve-fold chain
Philosophy Buddha part 12 ignorance | volitional | sensual | body and mind | senses | contact | feeling | craving | clinging | becoming | birth | death scotty

Seven pillars of Ismailism
Theology part 7 devotion | purity | prayer | charity | fasting | pilgrimage | struggle scotty

Modern Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 DNA is passed between cells during cell division. | The cells of all organisms within a similar species are mostly the same, both structurally and chemically. | Energy flow occurs within cells. dane

The Four Elements of Architecture
Anthropology Gottfried Semper part 4 hearth | roof | enclosure | mound scotty

psychomotor development
Bloom's taxonomy
Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 7 perception | set | guided response | mechanism | complex overt response | adaptation | origination scotty

Biology KU Natural History Museum part 4 variation | Inheritance | selection | time dane

Research Principles
Scientific Research Varun Does Research part 6 Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor dane

story plot
Dramatic structure
Storytelling Freytag part 5 exposition | rise | climax | fall | resolution scotty

Branches of Science
Branches of science
Interdisciplinary Studies Traditional part 3 Formal | Natural | Social dane

US government
Federal government of the United States
Politics US Constitution part 3 executive branch | legislative branch | judicial branch scotty

The Learning Attitude
Education Common Terms part 3 cognitive | affective | behavioural dane

Optical illusion
Cognition Richard Gregory part 4 stimulus | interpret | select | organize dane

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis
Business Strategy Albert Humphrey part 4 Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats dane

Philosophy I Ching part 8 integrity | respect | courage | honor | compassion | honesty | loyalty | self-control scotty

Four causes
Metaphysics Aristotle part 4 material | formal (design) | efficient (creator) | final (function) scotty

Philosophy I Ching part 8 head | mouth | eyes | feet | thighs | ears | hands | belly scotty

Components of Attitude
Social Psychology Schiffman & Kanuk part 3 cognitive (beliefs) | affective (feelings) | conative (behavior) dane

Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 6 knowledge | comprehension | application | analysis | synthesis | evaluation scotty
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