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Name / URL Area Source Mode Depth Dimensions User

Ontology Zensufi type 5 myth | saga | fable | folk-tale | fairy-tale scotty

Wuxing (Chinese philosophy)
Philosophy Wu Xing type 2 generating | overcoming scotty

Philosophy Wu Xing type 5 metal | water | wood | fire | earth scotty

Wu Xing
Philosophy Wu Xing type 5 wood | fire | earth | metal | water scotty

William James
Psychology William James type 4 fear | grief | love | rage scotty

Business W. Edwards Deming step 4 plan | do | check | act scotty

economic growth
Rostow's stages of growth
Economics Walt Whitman Rostow step 5 traditional society | pre-conditions | take-off | technological maturity | high mass consumption scotty

Learning styles
Education Walter Burke Barbe type 3 visual | auditory | kinesthetic scotty

news service for community
Media Walter Bender type 7 identify | analyze | localize | contextualize | express | learn | advertise scotty

Learning Styles
Pedagogy ViewSonic Library type 7 Visual (spatial) Learners. | Aural (audio) Learners. | Verbal Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Logical (analytical) Learner. | Social Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Solo Learners. | Natural/ Nature Learners. dane

Research Principles
Scientific Research Varun Does Research part 6 Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor dane

US government
Federal government of the United States
Politics US Constitution part 3 executive branch | legislative branch | judicial branch scotty

unalienable right
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Sociology US Constitution type 3 life | liberty | pursuit of happiness scotty

Natural Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 12 Physics/Cosmology | Chemistry | Biology/Microbiology | Geology | Oceanography | Meteorology | Space Science | Earth Science/Life Science | Biochemistry | Zoology | Botany | Ecology dane

Formal Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 6 Logic | Mathematics | Statistics | Systems Theory | Decision Theory | Theoretical Computer-Science dane

design process
Design methods
Design UK Design Council step 4 discover | define | develop | deliver scotty

Heuristics in judgment and decision-making
Psychology Tversky/Kahneman type 3 availability | representativeness | anchoring and adjustment scotty

personality trait
Big Five personality traits
Psychology Tupes/Christal type 5 openness | conscientiousness | extraversion | agreeableness | neuroticism scotty

Tripartite (theology)
Theology trichotomy part 3 body | spirit | soul scotty

Branches of Science
Branches of science
Interdisciplinary Studies Traditional part 3 Formal | Natural | Social dane

Observation Bias
Scientific Research Traditional type 2 Confirmation bias | Processing bias dane

Theology The Bible part 3 father | son | holy spirit scotty

Yin and yang
Cosmology Taoism part 2 yin | yang scotty

mental function
Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
Sociology Stuart & Hubert Dreyfus step 4 recollection | recognition | decision | awareness scotty

box of liberty
Four boxes of liberty
Politics Stephen Decatur Miller step 4 soap | ballot | jury | ammo scotty
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