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Learning Styles
Pedagogy ViewSonic Library type 7 Visual (spatial) Learners. | Aural (audio) Learners. | Verbal Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Logical (analytical) Learner. | Social Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Solo Learners. | Natural/ Nature Learners. dane

SPEAR Survival Plan
Survival Filip Tkaczyk step 5 Stop | Plan | Execute | Assess | Re-evaluate dane

Six Basic Survival Skills
Survival Filip Tkaczyk type 6 Attitude Skills | Shelter Skills | Water Skills | Fire Skills | Food Skills | Naturalist Skills dane

Classic Study Skills
Education Allison Brenner type 5 reading | memorization | note taking | testing | time management dane

Fundamental Forces (Interactions)
Physics Consensus type 4 Gravity. | Weak Force. | Electromagnetic Force. | Strong Force. dane

Musical Textures
Music Theory Common Terms type 5 Monophonic | Polyphonic | Homophonic | Homorhythmic | Heterophonic dane

Writing Styles
Education Common Terms type 5 Narrative | Analytical | Expository | Persuasive | Argumentative dane

Strategies for effective learning
Education Joseph Griffiths type 6 spaced practice | interleaving | retrieval | elaboration | concrete example | duel coding dane

The Learning Attitude
Education Common Terms part 3 cognitive | affective | behavioural dane

Components of Attitude
Social Psychology Schiffman & Kanuk part 3 cognitive (beliefs) | affective (feelings) | conative (behavior) dane

non-intersecting domains
Enactivism Maturana and Varela part 2 constitutive (operational closure) | relational (structural coupling) dane

Noble Pursuits of Man
Philosophy Alfred N. Whitehead type 5 truth | adventure | art | peace | beauty dane

Modern Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 DNA is passed between cells during cell division. | The cells of all organisms within a similar species are mostly the same, both structurally and chemically. | Energy flow occurs within cells. dane

Three Tenants of Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. | The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. | Cells arise from pre-existing cells. dane

Visual Perception
Psychology James Gibson step 3 select | organize | interpret dane

triadic structure
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Philosophy G.W.F. Hegel part 3 thesis | antithesis | synthesis scotty

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Philosophy G.W.F Hegel type 3 being | essence | notion scotty

Philosophy G.W.F. Hegel step 11 being | becoming | one | many | essence | existence | cause | effect | universal | mechanism | life scotty

Philosophy Hinduism type 3 goodness | darkness | passion scotty

threefold activity
Acharya (Jainism)
Theology Jainism part 3 body | speech | mind scotty

essential duty
Acharya (Jainism)
Theology Jainism type 6 equanimity | adoration | worshipping | repentance | non-attachment | contemplation scotty

Heuristics in judgment and decision-making
Psychology Tversky/Kahneman type 3 availability | representativeness | anchoring and adjustment scotty

military intelligence
Failure in the intelligence cycle
Politics step 6 requirements | collection | processing | analysis | dissemination | feedback scotty

The Four Loves
Psychology C.S. Lewis type 4 storge | philios | eros | agape scotty

Color wheel theory of love
Psychology John Alan Lee type 6 eros | ludus | storge | mania | pragma | agape scotty
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