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design process
Design methods
Design L. Bruce Archer step 3 analyze | create | execute scotty

SPEAR Survival Plan
Survival Filip Tkaczyk step 5 Stop | Plan | Execute | Assess | Re-evaluate dane

reading comprehension
Education Francis P. Robinson step 5 survey | question | read | recite | review scotty

design process
Design methods
Design UK Design Council step 4 discover | define | develop | deliver scotty

cognitive development
Cognition Jean Piaget step 4 sensorimotor | pre-operational | concrete operational | formal operational scotty

Metaphysics Isaac Newton step 7 red | orange | yellow | green | blue | indigo | violet scotty

Study skills
Education John Dewey step 4 read | encode | annotate | ponder scotty

Study skills
Education step 5 preview | question | read | summarize | test scotty

psychosocial development
Erikson's stages of psychosocial development
Psychology Erik Erikson step 8 hope | will | purpose | competence | fidelity | love | care | wisdom scotty

Medicine Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob Smith step 12 I am not Power. | Power does exist. | I will rely on Power, not self. | I cause most of my problems. | I falsely claim power and try. | I will stop claiming and trying. | Power please guide me. | I will stop controlling others. | I will show more forgiveness. | I'll do good more & bad less. | I pray to be under God's will. | I will confess and share this. scotty

Four stages of competence
Psychology Martin Broadwell step 4 unconscious incompetence | conscious incompetence | conscious competence | unconscious competence scotty

Theology step 3 hope | pray | repeat if necessary scotty

behavioral change
Transtheoretical model
Psychology James Prochaska step 6 precontemplation | contemplation | preparation | action | maintenance | termination scotty

group development
Tuckman's stages of group development
Sociology Bruce Tuckman step 4 forming | storming | norming | performing scotty

economic growth
Rostow's stages of growth
Economics Walt Whitman Rostow step 5 traditional society | pre-conditions | take-off | technological maturity | high mass consumption scotty

mental function
Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
Sociology Stuart & Hubert Dreyfus step 4 recollection | recognition | decision | awareness scotty

cell cycle
Cell cycle
Biology step 3 resting | interphase | cell division scotty

Theology Jainism step 3 faith | knowledge | conduct scotty

Metaphysics Kabbalah step 10 crown | wisdom | understanding | mercy | severity | beauty | victory | glory | foundation | kingdom scotty

Kübler-Ross model
Psychology Kübler-Ross step 5 denial | anger | bargaining | depression | acceptance scotty

ego development
Loevinger's stages of ego development
Psychology Jane Loevinger step 8 impulsive | self-protective | conformist | self-aware | conscientious | individualistic | autonomous | integrated scotty

moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
Psychology Lawrence Kohlberg step 6 obedience | self-interest | conformity | authority | social contract | universal ethics scotty

box of liberty
Four boxes of liberty
Politics Stephen Decatur Miller step 4 soap | ballot | jury | ammo scotty

improvement cycle
Business step 5 define | measure | analyze | improve | control scotty

James W. Fowler
Theology James Fowler step 7 primal | intuitive-projective | mythic-literal | synthetic-conventional | individuative-reflective | conjunctive | universalizing scotty
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