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SOLID object-oriented programming
Programming Robert C. Martin part 5 single responsibility | open-closed | Liskov substitution | interface segregation | dependency inversion scotty

Six Basic Survival Skills
Survival Filip Tkaczyk type 6 Attitude Skills | Shelter Skills | Water Skills | Fire Skills | Food Skills | Naturalist Skills dane

Fundamental Forces (Interactions)
Physics Consensus type 4 Gravity. | Weak Force. | Electromagnetic Force. | Strong Force. dane

Formal Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 6 Logic | Mathematics | Statistics | Systems Theory | Decision Theory | Theoretical Computer-Science dane

Musical Textures
Music Theory Common Terms type 5 Monophonic | Polyphonic | Homophonic | Homorhythmic | Heterophonic dane

Biology KU Natural History Museum part 4 variation | Inheritance | selection | time dane

Research Principles
Scientific Research Varun Does Research part 6 Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor dane

Branches of Science
Branches of science
Interdisciplinary Studies Traditional part 3 Formal | Natural | Social dane

Observation Bias
Scientific Research Traditional type 2 Confirmation bias | Processing bias dane

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis
Business Strategy Albert Humphrey part 4 Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats dane

Natural Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 12 Physics/Cosmology | Chemistry | Biology/Microbiology | Geology | Oceanography | Meteorology | Space Science | Earth Science/Life Science | Biochemistry | Zoology | Botany | Ecology dane

SPEAR Survival Plan
Survival Filip Tkaczyk step 5 Stop | Plan | Execute | Assess | Re-evaluate dane

Social Science
Scientific Research Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D. type 6 Anthropology | Economics | Geography | Political science | Psychology | Sociology dane

Learning Styles
Pedagogy ViewSonic Library type 7 Visual (spatial) Learners. | Aural (audio) Learners. | Verbal Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Logical (analytical) Learner. | Social Learners (aka Linguistic Learners). | Solo Learners. | Natural/ Nature Learners. dane

Numeronomy Kabbalah step 10 crown | mercy | wisdom | beauty | understanding | severity | glory | victory | kingdom | foundation dane

Writing Styles
Education Common Terms type 5 Narrative | Analytical | Expository | Persuasive | Argumentative dane

Strategies for effective learning
Education Joseph Griffiths type 6 spaced practice | interleaving | retrieval | elaboration | concrete example | duel coding dane

Classic Study Skills
Education Allison Brenner type 5 reading | memorization | note taking | testing | time management dane

Embodied, Predictive & Interoceptive Framework
Mental Health Michela Di Trani type 4 embodied cognition (observation) | predictive coding (explanation) | interoception (access) | osteopathy (approach) dane

strategies for learning
Marvin Minsky
AI Marvin Minsky part 4 uni-framing | trans-framing | reformulating | accumulating dane

Optical illusion
Cognition Richard Gregory part 4 stimulus | interpret | select | organize dane

The Learning Attitude
Education Common Terms part 3 cognitive | affective | behavioural dane

Components of Attitude
Social Psychology Schiffman & Kanuk part 3 cognitive (beliefs) | affective (feelings) | conative (behavior) dane

non-intersecting domains
Enactivism Maturana and Varela part 2 constitutive (operational closure) | relational (structural coupling) dane

Noble Pursuits of Man
Philosophy Alfred N. Whitehead type 5 truth | adventure | art | peace | beauty dane
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