Polynym Systems

by dimension

3: Triads

authority status knowledge position
authority traditional charismatic legal
body causal subtle gross
brain cerebrum cerebellum brainstem
Branches of Science Formal Natural Social
cell cycle resting interphase cell division
civilization planetary stellar galactic
Components of Attitude cognitive (beliefs) affective (feelings) conative (behavior)
contradiction being essence notion
data model conceptual logical physical
design process analyze create execute
fascination idle external stimulus effort
God father son holy spirit
guna goodness darkness passion
heuristic availability representativeness anchoring and adjustment
immersion tactical strategic narrative
learning cognitive affective psychomotor
learning visual auditory kinesthetic
legitimate rule legal authority traditional authority charismatic authority
liberation faith knowledge conduct
life domain archaea bacteria eukarya
logic critical speculative grammar speculative rhetoric
Modern Cell theory DNA is passed between cells during cell division. The cells of all organisms within a similar species are mostly the same, both structurally and chemically. Energy flow occurs within cells.
narrative setup confrontation resolution
normative science aesthetics ethics logic
personality id ego superego
phenomenology empirical scientific archetypical
philosophy phenomenology normative science metaphysics
poetry melopoeia phanopoeia logopoeia
revolution liberty equality fraternity
rock igneous metamorphic sedimentary
salvation hope pray repeat if necessary
science discovery theoretical practical
self body spirit soul
semiosis sign object interpretant
sociology theological metaphysical positivity
The Learning Attitude cognitive affective behavioural
theology fetishism polytheism monotheism
threefold activity body speech mind
Three Tenants of Cell theory All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
traffic flow free flow synchronized flow wide moving jam
triadic structure thesis antithesis synthesis
trivium grammar logic rhetoric
unalienable right life liberty pursuit of happiness
US government executive branch legislative branch judicial branch
Visual Perception select organize interpret
For more Triads, see Book of Threes
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