Polynym Systems

by dimension

6: Hexads

art rites music archery chariotry calligraphy mathematics
behavioral change precontemplation contemplation preparation action maintenance termination
cognition knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation
essential duty equanimity adoration worshipping repentance non-attachment contemplation
Formal Sciences Logic Mathematics Statistics Systems Theory Decision Theory Theoretical Computer-Science
freedom of motion forward/back up/down left/right yaw pitch roll
health physical intellectual emotional social occupational spiritual
learning avoidant participative competitive collaborative dependent independent
love eros ludus storge mania pragma agape
military intelligence requirements collection processing analysis dissemination feedback
mood happy sad surprised afraid angry disgusted
moral development obedience self-interest conformity authority social contract universal ethics
Research Principles Rule out rival hypotheses Correlation isn’t causation Falsifiablity Replicability Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence Occam’s Razor
science mathematics astronomy physics chemistry biology sociology
simple machine lever wheel pulley incline wedge screw
Six Basic Survival Skills Attitude Skills Shelter Skills Water Skills Fire Skills Food Skills Naturalist Skills
Social Science Anthropology Economics Geography Political science Psychology Sociology
Strategies for effective learning spaced practice interleaving retrieval elaboration concrete example duel coding
substance soul matter motion rest space time
ways to think self-conscious emotions self-reflective thinking reflective thinking deliberative thinking learned reactions instinctive reactions
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