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Learning styles
Education Honey/Mumford type 4 activist | reflector | theorist | pragmatist scotty

Learning styles
Education Neil Fleming type 4 visual | auditory | physical | social scotty

Learning styles
Education David A. Kolb type 4 accomodator | converger | diverger | assimilator scotty

Learning styles
Education Grash/Riechmann type 6 avoidant | participative | competitive | collaborative | dependent | independent scotty

Enneagram of Personality
Education enneagram type 9 critic | helper | achiever | romantic | observer | loyalist | enthusiast | protector | mediator scotty

Education Plato part 3 grammar | logic | rhetoric scotty

Education Boethius part 4 arithmetic | geometry | music | astronomy scotty

Six Arts
Education type 6 rites | music | archery | chariotry | calligraphy | mathematics scotty

economic growth
Rostow's stages of growth
Economics Walt Whitman Rostow step 5 traditional society | pre-conditions | take-off | technological maturity | high mass consumption scotty

design process
Design methods
Design L. Bruce Archer step 3 analyze | create | execute scotty

design process
Design methods
Design UK Design Council step 4 discover | define | develop | deliver scotty

simple machine
Simple machine
Design Renaissance type 6 lever | wheel | pulley | incline | wedge | screw scotty

freedom of motion
Six degrees of freedom
Design type 6 forward/back | up/down | left/right | yaw | pitch | roll scotty

Yin and yang
Cosmology Taoism part 2 yin | yang scotty

risk taking
cognitive science part 2 explore | exploit dane

Optical illusion
Cognition Richard Gregory type 4 distortion | ambiguities | paradox | fiction dane

cognitive development
Cognition Jean Piaget step 4 sensorimotor | pre-operational | concrete operational | formal operational scotty

Optical illusion
Cognition Richard Gregory part 4 stimulus | interpret | select | organize dane

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis
Business Strategy Albert Humphrey part 4 Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats dane

improvement cycle
Business step 5 define | measure | analyze | improve | control scotty

Business W. Edwards Deming step 4 plan | do | check | act scotty

cell cycle
Cell cycle
Biology step 3 resting | interphase | cell division scotty

Three Tenants of Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. | The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. | Cells arise from pre-existing cells. dane

Modern Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 DNA is passed between cells during cell division. | The cells of all organisms within a similar species are mostly the same, both structurally and chemically. | Energy flow occurs within cells. dane

cell division
Cell division
Biology type 2 mitosis | meiosis scotty
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