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threefold activity
Acharya (Jainism)
Theology Jainism part 3 body | speech | mind scotty

Three Tenants of Cell theory
Cell theory
Biology Common part 3 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. | The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms. | Cells arise from pre-existing cells. dane

traffic flow
Three-phase traffic theory
Physics Boris Kerner step 3 free flow | synchronized flow | wide moving jam scotty

triadic structure
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Philosophy G.W.F. Hegel part 3 thesis | antithesis | synthesis scotty

Education Plato part 3 grammar | logic | rhetoric scotty

twelve-fold chain
Philosophy Buddha part 12 ignorance | volitional | sensual | body and mind | senses | contact | feeling | craving | clinging | becoming | birth | death scotty

unalienable right
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Sociology US Constitution type 3 life | liberty | pursuit of happiness scotty

universal value
Universal value
Psychology S. H. Schwartz type 10 power | achievement | hedonism | stimulation | self-direction | universalism | benevolence | tradition | conformity | security scotty

US government
Federal government of the United States
Politics US Constitution part 3 executive branch | legislative branch | judicial branch scotty

Seven virtues
Theology Church Fathers type 7 kindness | charity | chastity | temperance | humility | diligence | patience scotty

Visual Perception
Psychology James Gibson step 3 select | organize | interpret dane

ways to think
AI Marvin Minsky type 6 self-conscious emotions | self-reflective thinking | reflective thinking | deliberative thinking | learned reactions | instinctive reactions dane

Sociology Buddha type 7 undesirable | wasteful | master | praiseworthy | sister | friend | handmaid scotty

Text types
Literature type 4 descriptive | narrative | expository | argumentative scotty

Writing Styles
Education Common Terms type 5 Narrative | Analytical | Expository | Persuasive | Argumentative dane

Yin and yang
Cosmology Taoism part 2 yin | yang scotty
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