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behavioral change
Transtheoretical model
Psychology James Prochaska step 6 precontemplation | contemplation | preparation | action | maintenance | termination scotty

essential duty
Acharya (Jainism)
Theology Jainism type 6 equanimity | adoration | worshipping | repentance | non-attachment | contemplation scotty

ways to think
AI Marvin Minsky type 6 self-conscious emotions | self-reflective thinking | reflective thinking | deliberative thinking | learned reactions | instinctive reactions dane

Six Arts
Education type 6 rites | music | archery | chariotry | calligraphy | mathematics scotty

Metaphysics type 6 physical | intellectual | emotional | social | occupational | spiritual kemp

Research Principles
Scientific Research Varun Does Research part 6 Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor dane

Paul Ekman
Psychology Paul Ekman type 6 happy | sad | surprised | afraid | angry | disgusted scotty

Six Basic Survival Skills
Survival Filip Tkaczyk type 6 Attitude Skills | Shelter Skills | Water Skills | Fire Skills | Food Skills | Naturalist Skills dane

Strategies for effective learning
Education Joseph Griffiths type 6 spaced practice | interleaving | retrieval | elaboration | concrete example | duel coding dane

Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 6 knowledge | comprehension | application | analysis | synthesis | evaluation scotty

Social Science
Scientific Research Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D. type 6 Anthropology | Economics | Geography | Political science | Psychology | Sociology dane

Formal Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 6 Logic | Mathematics | Statistics | Systems Theory | Decision Theory | Theoretical Computer-Science dane

freedom of motion
Six degrees of freedom
Design type 6 forward/back | up/down | left/right | yaw | pitch | roll scotty

Learning styles
Education Grash/Riechmann type 6 avoidant | participative | competitive | collaborative | dependent | independent scotty

moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
Psychology Lawrence Kohlberg step 6 obedience | self-interest | conformity | authority | social contract | universal ethics scotty

simple machine
Simple machine
Design Renaissance type 6 lever | wheel | pulley | incline | wedge | screw scotty

Law of three stages
Philosophy Auguste Comte step 6 mathematics | astronomy | physics | chemistry | biology | sociology scotty

Color wheel theory of love
Psychology John Alan Lee type 6 eros | ludus | storge | mania | pragma | agape scotty

Theology Jain part 6 soul | matter | motion | rest | space | time scotty

military intelligence
Failure in the intelligence cycle
Politics step 6 requirements | collection | processing | analysis | dissemination | feedback scotty

Seven deadly sins
Theology Desert Fathers type 7 pride | envy | anger | avarice | sadness | gluttony | lust scotty

Metaphysics Isaac Newton step 7 red | orange | yellow | green | blue | indigo | violet scotty

Philosophy chakra type 7 sensing | thinking | feeling | willing | body | soul | spirit scotty

psychomotor development
Bloom's taxonomy
Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 7 perception | set | guided response | mechanism | complex overt response | adaptation | origination scotty

living things
Taxonomy (biology)
Metaphysics Linnean type 7 kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species davekud
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