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noble path
Noble Eightfold Path
Philosophy Buddha type 8 view | resolve | speech | conduct | livelihood | effort | mindfulness | concentration scotty

Theory of multiple intelligences
Psychology Howard Gardner type 9 linguistic | logical | kinesthetic | spatial | musical | interpersonal | intrapersonal | naturalistic | existential scotty

Enneagram of Personality
Education enneagram type 9 critic | helper | achiever | romantic | observer | loyalist | enthusiast | protector | mediator scotty

Numeronomy Kabbalah step 10 crown | mercy | wisdom | beauty | understanding | severity | glory | victory | kingdom | foundation dane

immoral action
Philosophy Buddha type 10 killing | stealing | sexual misconduct | lying | slandering | rude speech | frivolous talk | covetousness | ill will | wrong view scotty

moral action
Philosophy Buddha type 10 generosity | restraint | metal development | respect | service | sharing of merit | rejoicing | listening | teaching | understanding scotty

universal value
Universal value
Psychology S. H. Schwartz type 10 power | achievement | hedonism | stimulation | self-direction | universalism | benevolence | tradition | conformity | security scotty

Media type
Media Internet Assigned Numbers Authority type 10 application | audio | example | font | image | message | model | multipart | text | video scotty

Metaphysics Kabbalah step 10 crown | wisdom | understanding | mercy | severity | beauty | victory | glory | foundation | kingdom scotty

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 10 qualisign | iconic sinsign | rhematic indexical | dicent sinsign | iconic legisign | rhematic indexical legisign | dicent indexical legisign | rhematic symbol | dicent symbol | argument scotty

Philosophy Buddha type 11 rebirth | old age | death | sorrow | lamentation | pain | grief | despair | know hate | lose love | not getting scotty

Philosophy G.W.F. Hegel step 11 being | becoming | one | many | essence | existence | cause | effect | universal | mechanism | life scotty

twelve-fold chain
Philosophy Buddha part 12 ignorance | volitional | sensual | body and mind | senses | contact | feeling | craving | clinging | becoming | birth | death scotty

Natural Sciences
Branches of science
Scientific Research Unidentified type 12 Physics/Cosmology | Chemistry | Biology/Microbiology | Geology | Oceanography | Meteorology | Space Science | Earth Science/Life Science | Biochemistry | Zoology | Botany | Ecology dane

star sign
Astrological sign
Astrology type 12 aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces davekud

Medicine Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob Smith step 12 I am not Power. | Power does exist. | I will rely on Power, not self. | I cause most of my problems. | I falsely claim power and try. | I will stop claiming and trying. | Power please guide me. | I will stop controlling others. | I will show more forgiveness. | I'll do good more & bad less. | I pray to be under God's will. | I will confess and share this. scotty
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