Name / URL | Area | Source | Mode | Depth | Dimensions | User | |
life domain![]() |
Biology | Carl Woese | type | 3 | archaea | bacteria | eukarya | scotty | |
civilization![]() |
Astronomy | Nikolai Kardashev | step | 3 | planetary | stellar | galactic | scotty | |
rock![]() |
Geology | — | type | 3 | igneous | metamorphic | sedimentary | scotty | |
dream http://www.visionm... |
Psychology | D.A. Goodman | type | 4 | psychic | successful | failed | physical | davekud | |
body![]() |
Theology | Hinduism | part | 3 | causal | subtle | gross | scotty | |
consciousness![]() |
Theology | Hinduism | step | 4 | waking | dreaming | deep sleep | superconsciousness | scotty | |
data model![]() |
AI | ANSI | type | 3 | conceptual | logical | physical | scotty | |
narrative![]() |
Storytelling | — | part | 3 | setup | confrontation | resolution | scotty | |
unalienable right![]() |
Sociology | US Constitution | type | 3 | life | liberty | pursuit of happiness | scotty | |
strategies for learning![]() |
AI | Marvin Minsky | part | 4 | uni-framing | trans-framing | reformulating | accumulating | dane | |
revolution![]() |
Politics | France | part | 3 | liberty | equality | fraternity | scotty | |
sociology![]() |
Philosophy | Auguste Comte | step | 3 | theological | metaphysical | positivity | scotty | |
theology![]() |
Philosophy | Auguste Comte | step | 3 | fetishism | polytheism | monotheism | scotty | |
obscuring knowledge![]() |
Theology | Jainism | type | 5 | senses | signs | material things | thoughts of others | omniscience | scotty | |
science![]() |
Philosophy | Auguste Comte | step | 6 | mathematics | astronomy | physics | chemistry | biology | sociology | scotty | |
self![]() |
Theology | trichotomy | part | 3 | body | spirit | soul | scotty | |
self![]() |
Theology | dichotomy | part | 2 | body | soul | scotty | |
personality![]() |
Psychology | Sigmund Freud | part | 3 | id | ego | superego | scotty | |
faith![]() |
Theology | James Fowler | step | 7 | primal | intuitive-projective | mythic-literal | synthetic-conventional | individuative-reflective | conjunctive | universalizing | scotty | |
psychosexual development![]() |
Psychology | Sigmund Freud | step | 5 | oral | anal | phallic | latency | genital | scotty | |
moral development![]() |
Psychology | Lawrence Kohlberg | step | 6 | obedience | self-interest | conformity | authority | social contract | universal ethics | scotty | |
ego development![]() |
Psychology | Jane Loevinger | step | 8 | impulsive | self-protective | conformist | self-aware | conscientious | individualistic | autonomous | integrated | scotty | |
healing karma![]() |
Theology | Jainism | type | 4 | finding body | finding life span | finding status | finding feeling | scotty | |
virtue![]() |
Theology | Church Fathers | type | 7 | kindness | charity | chastity | temperance | humility | diligence | patience | scotty | |
cardinal virtue![]() |
Theology | Plato | type | 4 | prudence | courage | temperance | justice | scotty |