Name / URL | Area | Source | Mode | Depth | Dimensions | User | |
contradiction![]() |
Philosophy | G.W.F Hegel | type | 3 | being | essence | notion | scotty | |
triadic structure![]() |
Philosophy | G.W.F. Hegel | part | 3 | thesis | antithesis | synthesis | scotty | |
phase transition![]() |
Physics | — | type | 8 | freezing | melting | vaporization | condensation | deposition | sublimation | ionization | recombination | scotty | |
Muslim life![]() |
Theology | Islam | part | 5 | faith | prayer | charity | fasting | pilgrimage | scotty | |
Ismailism![]() |
Theology | — | part | 7 | devotion | purity | prayer | charity | fasting | pilgrimage | struggle | scotty | |
traffic flow![]() |
Physics | Boris Kerner | step | 3 | free flow | synchronized flow | wide moving jam | scotty | |
discourse![]() |
Psychology | Jacques Lacan | type | 4 | master | university | hysteric | analyst | scotty | |
discourse position![]() |
Psychology | Jacques Lacan | type | 4 | agent | other | product | truth | scotty | |
art![]() |
Education | — | type | 6 | rites | music | archery | chariotry | calligraphy | mathematics | scotty | |
precept![]() |
Theology | — | type | 5 | to not kill | to not steal | to not commit adultery | to not lie | to not intoxicate | scotty | |
precept![]() |
Theology | — | type | 8 | to not kill | to not steal | to not abstain | to not lie | to not intoxicate | to not eat at the wrong time | to not perform | to not sleep in a tall bed | scotty | |
state![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | step | 8 | creative | tranquil | clarity | initiative | entrance | motion | completion | receptive | scotty | |
bushido![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | part | 8 | integrity | respect | courage | honor | compassion | honesty | loyalty | self-control | scotty | |
body![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | part | 8 | head | mouth | eyes | feet | thighs | ears | hands | belly | scotty | |
personality![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | type | 8 | clinging | receptive | joyous | creative | abysmal | still | arousing | gentle | scotty | |
natural disaster![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | type | 8 | meteor | hurricane | fire | lightning | disease | flood | volcano | earthquake | scotty | |
energy![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | type | 8 | solar | wind | thermal | electric | organic | hydric | fossil | gravitational | scotty | |
persuasion![]() |
Philosophy | Aristotle | type | 4 | ethos | pathos | logos | kairos | scotty | |
ways to think |
AI | Marvin Minsky | type | 6 | self-conscious emotions | self-reflective thinking | reflective thinking | deliberative thinking | learned reactions | instinctive reactions | dane | |
Research Principles |
Scientific Research | Varun Does Research | part | 6 | Rule out rival hypotheses | Correlation isn’t causation | Falsifiablity | Replicability | Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence | Occam’s Razor | dane | |
Branches of Science![]() |
Interdisciplinary Studies | Traditional | part | 3 | Formal | Natural | Social | dane | |
Observation Bias![]() |
Scientific Research | Traditional | type | 2 | Confirmation bias | Processing bias | dane | |
SWOT Analysis![]() |
Business Strategy | Albert Humphrey | part | 4 | Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats | dane | |
Natural Sciences![]() |
Scientific Research | Unidentified | type | 12 | Physics/Cosmology | Chemistry | Biology/Microbiology | Geology | Oceanography | Meteorology | Space Science | Earth Science/Life Science | Biochemistry | Zoology | Botany | Ecology | dane | |
Social Science https://www.bestco... |
Scientific Research | Genevieve Carlton, Ph.D. | type | 6 | Anthropology | Economics | Geography | Political science | Psychology | Sociology | dane |