Name / URL | Area | Source | Mode | Depth | Dimensions | User | |
noble path![]() |
Philosophy | Buddha | type | 8 | view | resolve | speech | conduct | livelihood | effort | mindfulness | concentration | scotty | |
SOLID object-oriented programming![]() |
Programming | Robert C. Martin | part | 5 | single responsibility | open-closed | Liskov substitution | interface segregation | dependency inversion | scotty | |
SPEAR Survival Plan ... |
Survival | Filip Tkaczyk | step | 5 | Stop | Plan | Execute | Assess | Re-evaluate | dane | |
reading comprehension![]() |
Education | Francis P. Robinson | step | 5 | survey | question | read | recite | review | scotty | |
studying![]() |
Education | John Dewey | step | 4 | read | encode | annotate | ponder | scotty | |
studying![]() |
Education | — | step | 5 | preview | question | read | summarize | test | scotty | |
cycle![]() |
Philosophy | Wu Xing | type | 2 | generating | overcoming | scotty | |
design process![]() |
Design | L. Bruce Archer | step | 3 | analyze | create | execute | scotty | |
design process![]() |
Design | UK Design Council | step | 4 | discover | define | develop | deliver | scotty | |
universal value![]() |
Psychology | S. H. Schwartz | type | 10 | power | achievement | hedonism | stimulation | self-direction | universalism | benevolence | tradition | conformity | security | scotty | |
learning![]() |
Education | David A. Kolb | type | 4 | accomodator | converger | diverger | assimilator | scotty | |
learning![]() |
Education | Neil Fleming | type | 4 | visual | auditory | physical | social | scotty | |
action![]() |
Philosophy | I Ching | step | 8 | think | see | love | say | feel | do | be | exist | scotty | |
learning![]() |
Education | Grash/Riechmann | type | 6 | avoidant | participative | competitive | collaborative | dependent | independent | scotty | |
personality trait![]() |
Psychology | Tupes/Christal | type | 5 | openness | conscientiousness | extraversion | agreeableness | neuroticism | scotty | |
explanation![]() |
Philosophy | Arthur Schopenhauer | type | 4 | becoming | knowing | being | willing | scotty | |
poetry![]() |
Literature | Ezra Pound | type | 3 | melopoeia | phanopoeia | logopoeia | scotty | |
love![]() |
Psychology | John Alan Lee | type | 6 | eros | ludus | storge | mania | pragma | agape | scotty | |
love![]() |
Psychology | C.S. Lewis | type | 4 | storge | philios | eros | agape | scotty | |
military intelligence![]() |
Politics | — | step | 6 | requirements | collection | processing | analysis | dissemination | feedback | scotty | |
heuristic![]() |
Psychology | Tversky/Kahneman | type | 3 | availability | representativeness | anchoring and adjustment | scotty | |
essential duty![]() |
Theology | Jainism | type | 6 | equanimity | adoration | worshipping | repentance | non-attachment | contemplation | scotty | |
threefold activity![]() |
Theology | Jainism | part | 3 | body | speech | mind | scotty | |
guna![]() |
Philosophy | Hinduism | type | 3 | goodness | darkness | passion | scotty | |
logic https://www.marxis... |
Philosophy | G.W.F. Hegel | step | 11 | being | becoming | one | many | essence | existence | cause | effect | universal | mechanism | life | scotty |